About Me :: Karina Lutey
Karina Lutey, Chartered Physiotherapist During my years of practicing physiotherapy I have had time to reflect about how I came to work in this field. Below is a brief summary and a personal story of how I developed and worked towards my profession.

As a teenager, I was very interested in biology, the human body and how it all works. During this time I had a close family member who was always suffering from neck, back and knee pain, and because of that she had a very stressful life. She was to be my first client, after visiting our family, complaining of pain, I offered her a massage, despite having never studied the form of physiotherapy before.

She felt better straightaway and was so grateful for my help. But most importantly, she told me I had great healing hands. Ever since then, I’ve been committed to using my practical techniques and knowledge of physiology to improve the quality of peoples’ lives without medication. I was taught comprehensively on physiotherapy over four years and continued my professional development with experienced tutors that shared their teaching and cultural experiences from America, Switzerland, China, India, Africa and Australia.

Working with people and helping them gives me the greatest satisfaction and a rewarding feeling when the client starts to feel better. I listen to the clients and provide a professional and caring service. The most important thing I definitely do is to look at the client as a whole person, not just an arm ache or back pain. It is very significant when I pay attention to the clients’ attitude and feelings when they have pain. Reassurance, building up their confidence and positive attitude is given to them through my physiotherapy treatments and conversation.